Hike in Mount Washington National Forest

The day was beautiful so we had a nice breakfast and then went for a hike in Mount Washington National Forest. We had come to this area back during spring break 2005 and vowed to go hiking here some day because it was so beautiful. Well, today was that day!

It was a 3.5 mile loop hike that went 1000 feet up and then 1000 feet back down. It was called Boulder Loop Trail and it truly lived up to it’s name. Our legs were on fire as we hiked over all the boulders and exposed roots along the trail. We definitely used the hiking poles! The boys frequently got way ahead of us with their young legs, talking the whole way. I don’t think they looked around much to appreciate the nature around them, but they didn’t complain about lack of cell phone service even once!

When we got to the half way point (also the highest elevation of the trail), the vista was awe inspiring, breathtaking, amazing and every other wonderful adjective that you can think of. So many layers of tree-covered mountains, huge rock faces, blue skies and big puffy clouds. Words and pictures just can not convey how awesome it was! Jeff said it was his most favorite hike he has ever taken and I completely agree.

The hike had to come to an end at some point, unfortunately, so we headed back to the campsite where Jeff made steak, and then Carson made some smores. The next day we packed up and headed to Kennebunkport, Maine to begin the Kline family vacation leg of our roadtrip, so I won’t be posting quite as much.

Last long driving day-Utica, NY to North Conway, New Hampshire

This was our last big driving day for a while. We mostly took state highways so while our gas mileage was a lot less, the roads were absolutely beautiful. We drove through the Adirondacks, and the Green Mountains. Amazing! Each turn was more breathtaking that the previous view. We really do live in a gorgeous country.

It was getting time to stop for lunch when we happened to drive by Crowne Point State Historic Site, where there are ruins of forts from the French and the British from colonial times. The museum was closed, but it was a great stretch break to walk around the area and read the info on the signs (and google things to fill in the blanks).

Our next stop was Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Factory. Unfortunately, they were sold of out tours for the day (when we went in 2005, it was March so didn’t have to worry about that). But the ice cream was delicious and it was a nice stretch break.

We arrived at the campground and got all set up for the next couple days. It caters to a swimming/tubing/kayaking family crowd, so there are lots of activities in the campground that are available and a rocky sand beach to do all of those things.

Thursday was a relaxing day. It was supposed to rain and storm, so we mostly hung out in the campground and read, swim, and play board games. In the afternoon, we went exploring in the truck and found Hart’s Location, one of the two boting precincts in New Hampshire where everyone comes to vote at midnight. We also went to the Conway Scenic Railway Depot and walked around looking at all the train cars and the roundhouse. There was a small Ben & Jerry’s there so of course we got more ice cream.

Here are pictures with descriptions. Enjoy!

Driving Day-Niagara Falls pitstop

After the hotel breakfast, we were on our way. Our first adventure of the day was getting into Canada. After the usualy questions about firearms and fruit (we didn’t have either), the very serious border agent wanted to scan the app with all of our COVID vaccine info on it. There is an app? Apparently it is called ArriveCAN and it is required in order to enter Canada. We had all our vaccine cards but had no idea there was an app that we had to upload all of that info to, so the guy had us park to the side after we got over the bridge, download the app and then fill out all of the info it wanted for each one of us. It took forever, until we realized the reason that our phone signals were not strong enough was because they had us park under a huge metal roof. Once I got out of the truck and walked about 10 ft from the roof, things uploaded much faster, and we received the barcode that the border agents scanned and then we were finally on our way.

Our next adventure was Niagara Falls. It took a while to find a place to park because we were pulling the camper and normal parking spots aren’t long enough. We finally found a place in Parking Lot C (in case you needed to know), which looked like an abandoned park full of empty parking lots. Seriously, it would make a great backdrop for an apocolyse movie! But, the shuttle bus did come and pick us up and take us to the Table Rock stop, where we walked around amongst the hordes of people, took some photos of the Falls, and some selfies. Then we took the shuttle bus back to the truck, made some sandwiches, and headed back into the US.

We continued to drive to Utica, NY where we stopped for the night. Tomorrow we are heading through the Green Mountains in Vermont, stopping at the Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream factory, and then into the White Mountains in New Hampshire for a few nights of camping. We are looking forward to less roads and people, and more nature in the coming days!