Columbia Icefield and very remote campground

Wednesday morning we packed up and left the campsite to head north. The campgrounds we were hoping for were first-come, first serve so we wanted to get there early to get a site.

We stopped at Lake Louise for gas, but since we had the camper with us, we didn’t try to get to the lake because just the town was swarming with vehicles and people and parking would be impossible. So we added it to the future bucket list and kept going.

We scored a great site at the first campground we looked at, Wilcox Campground and got set up by 1pm. Then we headed a few more kilometers north to the Athabaska Glacier and Glacier Discovery Center. Amazing! We walked very near the toe of the glacier. In the Glacier Discovery Center, we learned that the Columbia Icefield feeds glaciers whose waters eventually run into the Pacific, Arctic and the Hudson Bay. Wow!

While we were there, we had a delicious meal and connected to WiFi for a couple minutes. Carson dropped his retainer, but realized it as we were browsing the gift shop and luckily it was on the floor by the table we had eaten at. Whew! No need to dig through the garbage!


Exploration day in Banff. We started off the day going horseback riding. Carson has been wanting to for a couple years and there was a ranch just outside of the campground. What a fun experience! The guides were awesome and the horses were well behaved.

After that we drove into Canmore to pick up some groceries and had McDonalds for the first time on this trip. Then we headed up to Banff Town. Beautiful but oh so many people everywhere! We stopped at Banff Springs Hotel to recreate a photo of Jeff’s grandparents there in 1941. It is an actual castle as you can see. Wow!

Next, we visited the Banff Upper Hot Springs and dipped our feet in the hot water. Fascinating! One last stop to see the train station (Jeff loves trains) and then back to the campsite for “camping mac and cheese” for dinner.

Driving day: West Glacier to Bow Valley Campground just south of Banff.

Driving day from West Glacier to Bow Valley Campground just south of Banff. We bypassed Calgary during rush hour and made it to the campground about 6pm. A fairly uneventful day of driving on the prairie, seeing cattle, and wheat fields with the mountains rising to the west of us as we drove north.